BELLUS 100-2

Laser Hair Removal 640-750 nm/1200nm
Laser Vascular Therapy 590nm
Laser Skin Rejuvenation 560nm
Laser Pigment Therapy 530 nm
Laser Acne Therapy 430 nm
Laser Stretch Marks 560nm
Laser Scar Therapy 560 nm +530 nm
Laser Tattoo Removal 532nm-1064nm
Laser Hemangioma Removal 532nm
Laser Nail Fungus 1064nm
Laser skin tags removal 1064nm
Laser Skin Max/ Carbon Laser 1320 nm
Maintenance of the Machine is buyer’s responsibility and warranty does not cover it. Buyer must check machine water levels and that all lamps or filters are working properly.
Manufacturer is not responsible for any malpractices. All Devices are sold to licensed professionals. Refer to chart for technical/practical references and guidance

Laser Bellus 100-2 offers ND YAG Q Switch, IPL/YAG and Elight
ND YAG Q Switch is used for tattoo removal, pigment therapy, skin Max, Hemangioma removal and Nail fungus removal. The hand piece is fragile and not covered under warranty. Must change spot size according to training and chart provided for technical/practical references. Minimum of 6 sessions per treatment and may be increased as needed. However patient must wait for the skin to heal. Refer to pre and post treatment care for more details.
IPL/YAG = this combination brings us the cooling system and the benefit of being able to program and adjust the machine according to parameters needed as you can do with IPL but at the same time has the efficacy and strength the YAG provides. Patients may differ to amount of treatments depending on the medical history. If the patient suffers from hirsutism, PCOS/ any hormonal imbalance, or if the patient is taking protein shakes or biotin pills both must be discontinued. Hair is 97% protein when we increase the levels of protein patient may suffer from more hair growth. Biotin stimulates hair growth therefore interferes with treatment.
Elight= IPL + Radiofrequency excellent for skin rejuvenation and wrinkle therapy for patients over age 45
In the event that the patient is a minor a referral from the pediatrician is needed and the written consent of both parents.